Thursday, August 2, 2012

I've been awarded....

My lovely friend Lauren has awarded me the "Kreativ Blogger Award."  Thanks a ton Lauren! :)

For this award, I've got to post seven random things about myself (tell me, am I the only one who finds this hard?).  Anyway, without further ado...

1. I love listening to The Piano Guys-- their music is amazing!

2.  One of my favorite Bible verses is Proverbs 3: 5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. :)

3.  I type about 41 words per minute, but using Typingweb I'm trying to get to 70.

4. We've recently begun to watch an old show called The Irish RM.  I really like it- it's so sweet and funny!

5.  I worked out  that I read about 70 books per year, so I decided to try and reach 100 this year.  However, I think that may be impossible because as I've been reading such long books, I've only reached 26... :\

6.  I have 9 fish, and their names are: Bubbles and Splash (goldfish), Penny and Silver (black widow tetras),  Algernon, Sunny, Huckleberry and Finn (guppies), and Felix the golden sucking loach.

7.   I just finished reading The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkien, and loved it! :)

8.  I love cloudless days.

9.  My favorite period in history is probably Regency, but I enjoy ancient as well... it's so fascinating! 

10.  I am listening to my first Jane Austen, Emma, on audio at the moment.  I'm really enjoying it.  Another Austen fan on the way! :D

And I'm going to award Alice, as her blog is extremely creative!  :)  


1 comment:

  1. Hurrah for Lord of the Rings and Jane Austen! (And fish called Huckelberry).
    And thanks for tagging me, dear! I hope to get to it one day. Can't wait to see you soon!
