Thursday, July 12, 2012

Monkeys or Men?

“I myself am convinced that the theory of evolution, especially the extent to which it’s been applied, will be one of the great jokes in the history books of the future. Posterity will marvel that so very flimsy and dubious an hypothesis could be accepted with the incredible credulity that it has.”

– Malcolm Muggeridge, well-known British journalist and philosopher—Pascal Lectures, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. From the Revised Quote Book, containing 130 quotable quotes on creation/evolution by leading authorities. Published by Creation Science Foundation, Australia (no longer in print).

(google image)

The question of whether human beings evolved or were created by God is perhaps one of the most debated topics in the western world today.

Most would treat it as a matter of very little importance.  Yet, it is really the most important question of all.  There are some who believe that God instigated evolution, but this is inconceivable for a great many reasons.1

Yet history shows that the effects of evolutionary thinking are both damaging and detrimental to the actions of human beings.

People from History

When Darwin founded his theory of evolution, bad things started to happen.  People believed that African people (and other dark-skinned races) were the closest related to “ape-men” and treated them accordingly.  Also, people who were deformed were often used as circus “freaks,” and labeled as “the missing link between Africans and brute animals.”

Adolf Hitler, the Fuhrer of Germany during WWII and the murderer of thousands of innocent Jewish people, and also many people with deformities and disabilities (such as Down’s Syndrome), was an evolutionist.  He used the excuse that his victims were not human, and believed that the “Aryans” were the purest race, and therefore the only ones who deserved to live.  An intelligent and determined man, he brainwashed his whole nation into believing him.

Joseph Stalin, a communist and also the murderer of thousands upon thousands of people, was also an evolutionist.  He decided to try to create a mindless killing machine that was half human and half ape.  He employed scientist Ilya Ivanov to carry out his plans.  Ivanov’s attempts at artificially inseminating apes did not succeed, and Stalin had him jailed and then exiled.  

Evolution has also been the cause of many of the great evils of today.  For some reason, babies are allowed to be killed five minutes before they’re born, but not five minutes after.  Life, we’ve decided, only begins after you leave the womb.  Another thing looming on the horizon is euthanasia. If we can put animals down, why not people?  I say it is because God is the only one who should decide when the precious life of a human comes to an end.  


The apparent “evidence” for evolution is full of holes.  When and archaeologist finds something that doesn’t make sense with the evolutionary theory, it’s called an “Oopart."2  Because it is believed that early man was ignorant and witless, when something is found that shows intelligence and ingenuity, it causes great perplexity.  

For instance, in 1902, a ship was found sunk off the Greek island Antikythera.  It contained an analog computing device that is believed to have been made between the years of 105BC and 100BC.  Other things, such as an electrical device (thought to be a spark plug!) and a battery considered to be 2,000 years old, have been found.

The importance of Christianity

The laws of our country are very important.  Without them, people would do whatever they wanted.  Imagine how terrible it would be, is if stealing and murder weren’t illegal!  Yet because we have laws, doing something wrong is risky.  We have policemen to keep everything under control. These laws have been critically important in the development of our thinking. But what are our laws based upon?  Animals have no law-systems or rules that govern how they behave.  The only rules in the animal world come by instinct.   

Well, if you go right back, you’ll find that the laws that have shaped the western world are based on the Ten Commandments.  Also, most would agree that things such as swearing, coveting, bad manners, rudeness and so forth are indecent.  What else, except for a conscience designed by God, could bring about such knowledge?  Everything that is good about our world: generosity, kindness, faithfulness, helping others and selflessness- all of them are based on Biblical truths.  


Most people these days do not realize the importance of people’s beliefs.  But what you believe shapes who you are.

Spend some time thinking about what would happen if the laws of your country were neglected.  Imagine what life would be like!

“The probability of life originating from accident is comparable to the probability of the Oxford English dictionary resulting from an explosion in a printing shop.”

- Look What We Found, p. 103

 1For instance, if Genesis is not meant literally, that puts the whole Bible into doubt.  Also, that would mean that we were not “made in God’s image,” but “intelligent” animals!
 2. Out of Place Artifact


  1. Amazing essay Big Sister. You had a really good balance between facts, comparisons and history. It was brilliant. I enjoyed the topic presented from a more philosophical approach, rather then a scientific approach, which is much more commonly used.

    Excellent, thanks for sharing. ( :

    Love Lauren

    P.s - Sorry, I just realised how much I sounded like an 'expert' essay writer or a teacher. Sorry! I really didn't mean to come across that way if I did / :

    1. Thanks Lauren! :) Hehe, no, you didn't sound like a teacher! Though, as you want to be a teacher one day, it wouldn't matter if you did! ;)

    2. True, but you don't generally want to sound like a teacher at 14, especially commenting about a friends essay. I don't think I would have many friends if I acted like a teacher all the time. ( :

  2. I totally agree! Evolution is an absurd theory! : )
